{-# OPTIONS --without-K --guardedness --no-sized-types #-}

-- comonad structure of _* --

open import dtt
open import equality
open import RTC
open import Simulations

module RTC.comonad where

module counit {I : Set}
              (w : IS I) where
  open IS w renaming (Command to A ; Response to D ; next to n)
  open RTC using (Leaf ; _◂_)
  open IS (w *) renaming (Command to A* ; Response to D* ; next to n*)

  private lemma : {i₁ : I} {i₂ : I}  (i₁  i₂)  Φ (w *) w _≡_ i₁ i₂
  lemma {i} refl a = (a   _  Leaf)) , λ d  (fst d) , refl

  epsilon : (w *)  w
  epsilon = record { R = _≡_ ; coalg = lemma }

open counit using (epsilon) public

module comultiplication  {I : Set}
                         (w : IS I) where
  open IS w renaming (Command to A ; Response to D ; next to n)
  open RTC using (Leaf ; _◂_)
  open IS (w *) renaming (Command to A* ; Response to D* ; next to n*)
  open IS (w * *) renaming (Command to A** ; Response to D** ; next to n**)

  lemma : {i : I}  (a** : A** i)   w *   i'  Σ (D** i a**) λ d**  i'  n** a** d**) i
  lemma {i} Leaf = Leaf ,  _   , refl)
  lemma {i} (Leaf  ass) =
              -- recursive call: we remove the root "Leaf" from the well-founded tree
              let rec-call = lemma (ass ) in
              let a* : A* i
                  a* = fst rec-call in
              a*  , λ ds 
              ( , fst (snd rec-call ds)) , snd (snd rec-call ds)
  lemma {i} ((a  as)  ass) =
              -- recursive call: we remove the root "a" from the well founded-tree
              let rec-call d = lemma ((as d)  λ ds  ass (d , ds)) in
              let a* : A* i
                  a* = a  λ d  fst (rec-call d) in
              a* , λ d* 
              let d : D i a
                  d = fst d* in
              let ni = n a d in
              let a** : A** ni
                  a** = as d  λ ds  ass (d , ds) in
              let d** : D** ni a**
                  d** = fst (snd (rec-call d) (snd d*)) in
              let eq : n* a* d*  n** a** d**
                  eq = snd (snd (rec-call d) (snd d*)) in
              ((d , fst d**) , snd d**) , eq

  private coalg : {i₁ i₂ : I}  i₁  i₂ 
                      Π (A** i₂) λ a** 
                      Σ (A* i₁) λ a* 
                      Π (D* i₁ a*) λ d* 
                      Σ (D** i₂ a**) λ d** 
                        n* a* d*  n** a** d**
  coalg {i} refl a** = lemma a**

  delta : (w *)  (w * *)
  delta = record {
    R = _≡_ ;
    coalg = coalg

open comultiplication using (delta) public