{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe --guardedness --no-sized-types #-}
open import prelude
open import Simulations
open import Simulations.composition
open import equality
open import Bisimulation renaming (Φ to bis-Φ)
module Simulations.eval-composition
{I₁ I₂ I₃ : Set}
{w₁ : IS I₁}
{w₂ : IS I₂}
{w₃ : IS I₃}
(Sim₁ : w₁ ⊸ w₂)
(Sim₂ : w₂ ⊸ w₃)
open IS w₁ renaming (Command to A₁ ; Response to D₁ ; next to n₁)
open IS w₂ renaming (Command to A₂ ; Response to D₂ ; next to n₂)
open IS w₃ renaming (Command to A₃ ; Response to D₃ ; next to n₃)
open Simulation Sim₁ renaming (R to R₁ ; coalg to coalg₁)
open Simulation Sim₂ renaming (R to R₂ ; coalg to coalg₂)
module _ {i₁ : I₁} {i₂ : I₂} {i₃ : I₃}
(r₁ : R₁ i₁ i₂) (r₂ : R₂ i₂ i₃)
(T : ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁) where
private T₁ : ν (w₃ ⊥) i₃
T₁ = linear-evaluation w₁ w₃ (composition Sim₂ Sim₁) (i₂ , (r₂ , r₁)) T
private T₂ : ν (w₃ ⊥) i₃
T₂ = linear-evaluation w₂ w₃ Sim₂ r₂ (linear-evaluation w₁ w₂ Sim₁ r₁ T)
private X : Pow (states (w₃ ⊥))
X (i₃ , T₁ , T₂) =
Σ I₁ λ i₁ →
Σ I₂ λ i₂ →
Σ (ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁) λ T →
Σ (R₁ i₁ i₂) λ r₁ →
Σ (R₂ i₂ i₃) λ r₂ →
T₁ ≡ linear-evaluation w₁ w₃ (composition Sim₂ Sim₁) (i₂ , (r₂ , r₁)) T ×
T₂ ≡ linear-evaluation w₂ w₃ Sim₂ r₂ (linear-evaluation w₁ w₂ Sim₁ r₁ T)
private init : X (i₃ , T₁ , T₂)
init = (i₁ , i₂ , T , r₁ , r₂ , refl , refl)
private coalg : X ⊂ bis-Φ (w₃ ⊥) X
coalg {(i₃ , (T₁ , T₂))} (i₁ , (i₂ , (T , (r₁ , (r₂ , (refl , refl)))))) =
let f₁ : (a : A₃ i₃) → D₃ i₃ a
f₁ = fst (νElim T₁) in
let f₂ = (a : A₃ i₃) → D₃ i₃ a
f₂ = fst (νElim T₂) in
let p : f₁ ≡ f₂
p = refl
p , λ (a₃ : A₃ i₃) →
let a₂ : A₂ i₂
a₂ = fst (coalg₂ r₂ a₃) in
let a₁ : A₁ i₁
a₁ = fst (coalg₁ r₁ a₂) in
let d₁ : D₁ i₁ a₁
d₁ = fst (νElim T) a₁ in
let d₂ : D₂ i₂ a₂
d₂ = fst (snd (coalg₁ r₁ a₂) d₁) in
let d₃ : D₃ i₃ a₃
d₃ = f₁ a₃ in
(n₁ a₁ d₁ ,
(n₂ a₂ d₂ ,
(snd (νElim T) a₁ ,
(snd (snd (coalg₁ r₁ a₂) d₁) ,
(snd (snd (coalg₂ r₂ a₃) d₂) ,
refl , refl)))))
lemma : linear-evaluation w₁ w₃ (composition Sim₂ Sim₁) (i₂ , (r₂ , r₁)) T
linear-evaluation w₂ w₃ Sim₂ r₂ (linear-evaluation w₁ w₂ Sim₁ r₁ T)
lemma = record { carrier = X ; coalg = coalg ; init = init }