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9:00 -- 10:00 Invited speaker: Neil Ghani
10:00 -- 10:30 break
10:30 -- 11:00 Daniil Frumin and Benno van den Berg
A homotopy-theoretic model of function extensionality in the effective topos
11:05 -- 11:35 Paolo Pistone
Parametric polymorphism and the completeness of type theory
11:40 -- 12:10 Federico Orsanigo
Bifibrational Parametricity
12:15 -- 14:30 lunch break
14:30 -- 15:30 Invited speaker: Nick Benton
15:35 -- 16:05 Richard Statman
The Completeness of BCD for an Operational Semantics
16:05 -- 16:30 break
16:30 -- 17:00 Rodolphe Lepigre
17:05 -- 17:35 Christophe Raffalli
Realization of a weak ultrafilter axiom