{-# OPTIONS --without-K --guardedness --no-sized-types #-}
open import prelude
open import equality
open import RTC
open import Simulations
open import Bisimulation
open import Layering
import InteractionSystems.properties
import RTC.free-monad
import Bisimulation.reflexivity
import Bisimulation.symmetry
import Bisimulation.transitivity
import InteractionSystems.WTC-isomorphisms
import Simulations.identity
open import Simulations.composition using () renaming (composition to sim-composition)
import Simulations.eval-composition
import RTC.WTC
import InteractionSystems.execution
import RTC.comonad
import RTC.eval-epsilon
import Layering.WTC
import Layering.WTC-bis
module PAPER
(fun-ext : {X : Set} {Y : Pow X} (f g : (x : X) → Y x) (eq : (x : X) → (f x) ≡ (g x)) → f ≡ g) where
lemma-3-3 : {I : Set} (w : IS I) (X Y : Pow I) → (X ⊂ Y) → (⟦ w ⟧(X) ⊂ ⟦ w ⟧(Y))
lemma-3-3 = functoriality
module lemma-3-6 {I : Set} (w₁ w₂ : IS I) (X : Pow I) where
functions : ⟦ w₂ ⟧ (⟦ w₁ ⟧ X) == ⟦ w₂ ○ w₁ ⟧ (X)
functions = InteractionSystems.properties.composition.lemma₂ w₂ w₁ X ,
InteractionSystems.properties.composition.lemma₁ w₂ w₁ X
isomorphism : let f = fst functions in
let g = snd functions in
({i : I} (x : _) → f (g {i} x) ≡ x)
({i : I} (x : _) → g (f {i} x) ≡ x)
isomorphism = InteractionSystems.properties.composition.lemma-eq₂ w₂ w₁ fun-ext X ,
InteractionSystems.properties.composition.lemma-eq₁ w₂ w₁ fun-ext X
module lemma-3-8 {I : Set} (w : IS I) (X : Pow I) where
functions :
let open IS w renaming (Command to A ; Response to D ; next to n) in
⟦ w ⊥ ⟧ X == λ i → Π (A i) λ a → Σ (D i a) λ d → X (n a d)
functions = InteractionSystems.properties.duality.lemma₁ w X ,
InteractionSystems.properties.duality.lemma₂ w X
isomorphism :
let open IS w renaming (Command to A ; Response to D ; next to n) in
let f = fst functions in
let g = snd functions in
({i : I} (x : _) → (f (g {i} x)) ≡ x)
({i : I} (x : _) → (g (f {i} x)) ≡ x)
isomorphism = InteractionSystems.properties.duality.lemma-eq₁ w X fun-ext ,
InteractionSystems.properties.duality.lemma-eq₂ w X fun-ext
module lemma-3-10 {I : Set} (w : IS I) where
incl₁ : (X : Pow I) → X ⊂ ⟦ w * ⟧ X
incl₁ = RTC.free-monad.reflexive w
incl₂ : (X : Pow I) → ⟦ w ⟧ (⟦ w * ⟧ X) ⊂ ⟦ w * ⟧ X
incl₂ = RTC.free-monad.transitive w
least : (X Y : Pow I) → (X ⊂ Y) → (⟦ w ⟧ Y ⊂ Y) → ⟦ w * ⟧ X ⊂ Y
least = RTC.free-monad.least w
module lemma-3-11 {I : Set} (w : IS I) where
reflexivity : {i : I} (T : ν w i) → T ≈ T
reflexivity = Bisimulation.reflexivity.reflexivity w
symmetry : {i : I} {T₁ T₂ : ν w i} → (T₁ ≈ T₂) → T₂ ≈ T₁
symmetry = Bisimulation.symmetry.symmetry w
transitivity : {i : I} {T₁ T₂ T₃ : ν w i} → (T₁ ≈ T₂) → (T₂ ≈ T₃) → T₁ ≈ T₃
transitivity = Bisimulation.transitivity.transitivity w
module corollary-3-13 {I : Set} (w : IS I)
(C : Pow I)
(wtc : WTC w C)
f : C ⊂ ν w
f = InteractionSystems.WTC-isomorphisms.f w C wtc
g : ν w ⊂ C
g = InteractionSystems.WTC-isomorphisms.g w C wtc
lemma : {i : I} (T : ν w i) → f (g T) ≈ T
lemma T = InteractionSystems.WTC-isomorphisms.lemma w C wtc T
lemma-4-3 : {I₁ I₂ : Set} (w₁ : IS I₁) (w₂ : IS I₂) → (S : w₁ ⊸ w₂) →
let open Simulation S using (R) in
(i₁ : I₁) → (i₂ : I₂) → R i₁ i₂ →
ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁ → ν (w₂ ⊥) i₂
lemma-4-3 w₁ w₂ S i₁ i₂ = linear-evaluation w₁ w₂ S
eval : _
eval = lemma-4-3
lemma-4-5 : {I₁ I₂ I₃ : Set} (w₁ : IS I₁) (w₂ : IS I₂) (w₃ : IS I₃)
(RSim : w₁ ⊸ w₂) (SSim : w₂ ⊸ w₃) (i₁ : I₁) (i₂ : I₂) (i₃ : I₃) →
let open Simulation RSim using (R) in
let open Simulation SSim using () renaming (R to S) in
(r : R i₁ i₂) (s : S i₂ i₃) →
(T : ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁) →
eval w₁ w₃ (sim-composition SSim RSim) i₁ i₃ (i₂ , (s , r)) T ≈ eval w₂ w₃ SSim i₂ i₃ s (eval w₁ w₂ RSim i₁ i₂ r T)
lemma-4-5 w₁ w₂ w₃ RSim SSim i₁ i₂ i₃ = Simulations.eval-composition.lemma RSim SSim
module lemma-4-7 {I : Set} (w : IS I) where
elim : ν (w * ⊥) ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⟧ (ν (w * ⊥))
elim = RTC.WTC.elim w fun-ext
intro : (X : Pow I) (coalg : X ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⟧ X) → X ⊂ ν (w * ⊥)
intro = RTC.WTC.intro w fun-ext
comp : (X : Pow I) (coalg : X ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⟧ X) (i : I) (x : X i) →
elim (intro X coalg x)
functoriality (w ⊥) X (ν (w * ⊥)) (intro X coalg) (coalg x)
comp X coalg i x = RTC.WTC.comp w fun-ext X coalg i x
wtc : WTC (w ⊥) (ν (w * ⊥))
wtc = record {
elim = elim ;
intro = intro ;
comp = comp }
corollary-4-9 : {I₁ I₂ : Set} (w₁ : IS I₁) (w₂ : IS I₂) → (S : (w₁ *) ⊸ w₂) →
let open Simulation S using (R) in
(i₁ : I₁) → (i₂ : I₂) → R i₁ i₂ →
ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁ → ν (w₂ ⊥) i₂
corollary-4-9 w₁ w₂ S i₁ i₂ r T₁ =
let T₁' : ν ((w₁ *) ⊥) i₁
T₁' = lemma-4-7.intro w₁ (ν (w₁ ⊥)) νElim T₁ in
lemma-4-3 (w₁ *) w₂ S i₁ i₂ r T₁'
eval* : _
eval* = corollary-4-9
lemma-4-10 : (I : Set) (w : IS I) (X : Pow I) → (⟦ w * ⟧ X) ≬ (ν (w ⊥)) → X ≬ (ν (w ⊥))
lemma-4-10 I w X = InteractionSystems.execution.lemma w X
module proposition-4-11 (I : Set) (w : IS I) where
epsilon : (w *) ⊸ w
epsilon = RTC.comonad.epsilon w
delta : (w *) ⊸ (w * *)
delta = RTC.comonad.delta w
proposition-4-14 : (I : Set) (w : IS I) (i : I) (T : ν (w * ⊥) i) →
lemma-4-3 (w *) w (proposition-4-11.epsilon I w) i i refl T
νIntro (ν (w * ⊥)) (lemma-4-7.elim w) T
proposition-4-14 I w i T = RTC.eval-epsilon.lemma w fun-ext T
module lemma-5-3 (I : Set) (w : IS I) (i₀ : I) where
open IS (w #) using () renaming (Command to A#)
C : Pow (A# i₀)
C = νextend w i₀
W : IS (A# i₀)
W = [ LayeredTS w i₀ ] ⊥
elim : C ⊂ ⟦ W ⟧ C
elim = Layering.WTC.elim w i₀
intro : (X : Pow (A# i₀)) → (coalg : X ⊂ ⟦ W ⟧ X) → X ⊂ C
intro = Layering.WTC.intro w i₀
comp : (X : Pow (A# i₀)) → (coalg : X ⊂ ⟦ W ⟧ X) (α : A# i₀) (x : X α) →
elim (intro X coalg x)
functoriality W X C (intro X coalg) (coalg x)
comp = Layering.WTC.comp w i₀
wtc : WTC W C
wtc = record {
elim = elim ;
intro = intro ;
comp = comp }
module lemma-5-5 (I : Set) (v : TS I) where
w : IS I
w = ⟨ v ⟩
elim : ν w ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⊥ ⟧ (ν w)
elim = InteractionSystems.properties.update-duality-WTC.elim v
intro : (X : Pow I) → (X ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⊥ ⟧ X) → X ⊂ ν w
intro X coalg = InteractionSystems.properties.update-duality-WTC.intro v coalg
comp : (X : Pow I) (coalg : X ⊂ ⟦ w ⊥ ⊥ ⟧ X) → (i : I) → (x : X i) →
elim (intro X coalg x)
functoriality (w ⊥ ⊥) X (ν w) (intro X coalg) (coalg x)
comp X coalg i x = InteractionSystems.properties.update-duality-WTC.comp v X coalg i x
wtc : WTC (⟨ v ⟩ ⊥ ⊥) (ν ⟨ v ⟩)
wtc = record {
elim = elim ;
intro = intro ;
comp = comp }
theorem-5-8 : {I₁ I₂ : Set} (w₁ : IS I₁) (w₂ : IS I₂) →
(i₁ : I₁) → (i₂ : I₂) →
(S : ([ LayeredTS (w₁ ⊥) i₁ ] *) ⊸ [ LayeredTS (w₂ ⊥) i₂ ] ) →
let open Simulation S using (R) in
R Leaf Leaf →
ν (w₁ ⊥) i₁ → ν (w₂ ⊥) i₂
theorem-5-8 {I₁} {I₂} w₁ w₂ i₁ i₂ S r T₁ =
let open IS (w₁ ⊥ #) using () renaming (Command to A₁#) in
let T₁' : νextend (w₁ ⊥) i₁ Leaf
T₁' = λ _ → T₁ in
let T₁'' : ν ([ LayeredTS (w₁ ⊥) i₁ ] ⊥) Leaf
T₁'' = νIntro (νextend (w₁ ⊥) i₁) (lemma-5-3.elim I₁ (w₁ ⊥) i₁) T₁' in
let T₂'' : ν ([ LayeredTS (w₂ ⊥) i₂ ] ⊥) Leaf
T₂'' = eval* [ LayeredTS (w₁ ⊥) i₁ ] [ LayeredTS (w₂ ⊥) i₂ ] S Leaf Leaf r T₁'' in
let T₂' : νextend (w₂ ⊥) i₂ Leaf
T₂' = lemma-5-3.intro I₂ (w₂ ⊥) i₂ (ν ([ LayeredTS (w₂ ⊥) i₂ ] ⊥)) νElim T₂'' in
let T₂ : ν (w₂ ⊥) i₂
T₂ = T₂' ⋆ in