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Program of the Workshop


Invited Talks


The workshop will officially start on Tuesday the 2nd of June, at 9'00 a.m. Everything will take place in "amphithéatre 4-Canton" (building 10 in red on this map).

Tuesday the 2nd, morning
  • 9'00 — 10'00: coffee, arrival, etc.
  • 10'00 — 12'00: Jean-Louis Krivine, course 1.
Tuesday the 2nd,afternoon
  • 14'00 — 17'00: Jean-Louis Krivine, course 2.
Wednesday the 3rd, morning
  • 9'00 — 12'00: invited speaker: Paulo Oliva, Realizability Interpretations of Linear Logic
Wednesday the 3rd,afternoon
  • 14'00 — 17'00: Jean-Louis Krivine, course 3.
Thursday the 4th, morning
  • 9'00 — 12'00: contributed talks.
    • Alexandre Miquel: Classical Realizability with Forcing
    • Jonas Frey: A universal characterization of the tripos to topos construction (Slides)
    • Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni: Classical realizability and focalization (Slides)
Thursday the 4th, afternoon
  • 14'00 — 17'00: Jean-Louis Krivine, course 4.
Friday the 5th, morning
  • 9'00 — 12'00: invited speaker: Thierry Coquand: "a semantics of evidence for classical arithmetics" (Slides) and "forcing and type theory" (Slides).
Friday the 5th, afternoon
  • 14'00 — 16'30: contributed talks.
    • Paul-André Mellies: (cancelled)
    • Jaime Gaspar: Proof interpretations with truth (Slides)
    • Christophe Raffalli: Realizability for programming languages

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